2017 チャレンジ台湾 (2017 Challenge Taiwan)

開催日: 2017年4月29日(土)、30(日)

申込期間: 2016年09月21日〜2017年02月10日  




2017 チャレンジ台湾 (2017 Challenge Taiwan) 世界21の地域で開催されているロングディスタンスシリーズ「チャレンジファミリー」の台湾大会です。 チャレンジファミリーは、その名の通り世代やレベルを問わずロングディスタンスレースに挑戦したいトライアスリートに開かれたイベントです。チャレンジ台湾のレース距離は、フルディスタンス226km、ハーフ113km、WeTri51.5kmの3つ。年齢別個人種目だけでなく、男女別・男女混成チームのリレー種目が用意されています。 舞台となる台湾・台東市の東海岸地域は、亜熱帯の大自然と美しい海岸線、壮大な山々と360度のスペクタクルが楽しめるアジアの楽園。スイムは台東森林公園内の湖、バイクとランは海岸線沿いと台湾の伝統的な田園風景の中を駆け抜けます。 ◆オフィシャルツアーなら、らくらく参戦! スポーツエントリーでは現地旅行会社との協力によりオフィシャルツアー(226km、113km種目が対象です)をご用意しました。宿泊や送迎、現地でのバイクの輸送はもちろん、大会事前にはスイムとバイクのコースのガイドも行います。詳細はツアーのお申込ページをご確認ください。 http://spoen.net/68356/a (申込締切2017年1月12日まで) ※大会へのエントリーは別途必要です

Challenge Taiwan 226km (スイム3.8km、バイク180km、ラン42km)【Early】
【参加資格】 :男女別 18歳以上※先着25名
Male/Female Separate (Age 18 and above) first 25 entries
Challenge Taiwan 226km (スイム3.8km、バイク180km、ラン42km)
【参加資格】 :男女別 18歳以上
Male/Female Separate (Age 18 and above)
Challenge Taiwan 226km Relay(スイム3.8km、バイク180km、ラン42km)【Early】
【参加資格】 :18歳以上※先着10チーム
Male/Female/Mixed Separate (Age 18 and above) first 10 teams
Challenge Taiwan 226km Relay(スイム3.8km、バイク180km、ラン42km)
【参加資格】 :18歳以上
Male/Female/Mixed Separate (Age 18 and above)
Challenge Taiwan 113km(スイム1.9km、バイク90km、ラン21km)【Early】
【参加資格】 :男女別 18歳以上※先着25名
Male/Female Separate (Age 18 and above) first 25 entries
Challenge Taiwan 113km(スイム1.9km、バイク90km、ラン21km)
【参加資格】 :男女別 18歳以上
Male/Female Separate (Age 18 and above)
Challenge Taiwan 113km Relay(スイム1.9km、バイク90km、ラン21km)【Early】
【参加資格】 :18歳以上※先着10チーム
Male/Female/Mixed Separate (Age 18 and above) first 10 teams
Challenge Taiwan 113km Relay(スイム1.9km、バイク90km、ラン21km)
【参加資格】 :18歳以上
Male/Female/Mixed Separate (Age 18 and above)
WeTri 51.5km【Early】
【参加資格】 :男女別 18歳以上※先着25名
Male/Female Separate (Age 18 and above) first 25 entries
WeTri 51.5km
【参加資格】 :男女別 18歳以上
Male/Female Separate (Age 18 and above)
WeTri 51.5km Relay【Early】
【参加資格】 :18歳以上※先着10チーム
Male/Female/Mixed Separate (Age 18 and above) first 10 teams
WeTri 51.5km Relay
【参加資格】 :18歳以上
Male/Female/Mixed Separate (Age 18 and above)

申込期間 2016年09月21日〜2017年02月10日
開催場所 海外  台東県、台湾 (台東活水湖)
問い合わせ先 info@challenge-taiwan.com
WEBサイト http://challenge-taiwan.com/
受付場所 Taitung, Taiwan
受付時間 2017/4/27(チャレンジ台湾フル226、チャレンジ台湾ハーフ113)
給水 ランは2kmごと、バイクは20−25kmごと
表彰 TOP 3 every AG + for relay Mix division, Male division, Female division
参加賞 Finisher Medal, Carbo Dinner, Goodie-Bag
サービス Carbo Dinner, Challenge Taiwan Award Ceremony
売店 Challenge Taiwan EXPO, food festival and finish line expo
交通案内 http://challenge-taiwan.com/event/index/367?sb=169
Taipei SongShan Airport (TSA)→飛行機でTaitung Airport (TTT)まで約55分 
Taiwan TaoYuan Airport (TPE)→シャトルバスでTaipei SongShan Airport (TSA)まで約50分→飛行機でTaitung Airport (TTT)まで約55分
(シャトルバスのスケジュールについては:http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/japanese/Buses/ ;)
駐車場 有料
宿泊案内 http://challenge-taiwan.com/event/index/368?sb=169
コースの特徴 チャレンジ台湾フル(226)のコース内容:

3.8km - Flowing Lake (活水湖)を泳ぐ


トランジション1 (T1 )

バイクコース- 180km



トランジション2 (T2 )

ランー42.2km - ランは美しいレイクパーク、静かな水田や果樹園、活気のある市街地や遊歩道と、さまざまな表情のある大変美しいコースになっています。


コース紹介: http://challenge-taiwan.com/event/index/440?sb=161
現地受付時に必要なもの ・各個人に振られるレースナンバー
イベントスケジュール イベントスケジュールは最終版が発表され次第本ページでご案内いたします。


◎Swim Course Practice (Lifeguards on standby ) スイムコース練習
Venue/会場:Flowing Lake

◎Registration - Day 1 受付1日目(チャレンジ台湾フル、ハーフとも WeTri51.1は除く)

◎Challenge EXPO チャレンジエキスポ

◎Registration - Day 2 受付2日目(チャレンジ台湾フル、ハーフとも WeTri51.1は除く)

◎Challenge EXPO チャレンジエキスポ

◎CHECK-IN - Bike and Transition Bags トランジションエリアチェックイン、バイクチェック
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎Swim Course Practice (Lifeguards on standby ) スイムコース練習
Venue/会場:Flowing Lake

◎Race Briefing (English) レースブリーフィング、英語(チャレンジ台湾フル、ハーフとも WeTri51.1は除く)

◎Race Briefing (Chinese) レースブリーフィング、中国語(チャレンジ台湾フル、ハーフとも WeTri51.1は除く)

◎Carbo Dinner カーボディナー

◎Shuttle Bus starts シャトルバス

◎TA Open トランジションエリアオープン
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎TA Closed - Challenge Taiwan (226) チャレンジ台湾フル226トランジションエリアクローズ
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎START - CHALLENGE TAIWAN - Pro\'s チャレンジ台湾フル226プロレーススタート
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎START - CHALLENGE TAIWAN -|Age Group & Relay Race Start チャレンジ台湾フル226エイジ、リレーレーススタート
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎TA Closed - Challenge Taiwan half (113) チャレンジ台湾ハーフ113トランジションエリアクローズ
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎START - CHALLENGE TAIWAN HALF -Age Group & Relay Race Wave Start チャレンジ台湾ハーフ113エイジ、リレーレーススタート
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎Cut-Off Swim - Challenge Taiwan (226) チャレンジ台湾フル226スイム関門
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎Cut-Off Swim - Challenge Taiwan half (113) チャレンジ台湾ハーフ113スイム関門
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎Finish line EXPO フィニッシュラインエキスポ

◎Cut-Off Bike - Challenge Taiwan half (113)TA open for Half distance bike collection チャレンジ台湾ハーフ113バイク関門
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎51.5 + Junior Registration WeTri51.1受付

◎Cut-Off Bike - Challenge Taiwan (226)TA open for Full distance bike collection チャレンジ台湾フル226バイク関門
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎Cut-Off Run - Challenge Taiwan half (113) チャレンジ台湾ハーフ113ラン関門

◎CHALLENGE TAIWAN HALF - Awards Ceremony チャレンジ台湾ハーフ113表彰式

◎WeTri 51.5 Race Briefing WeTri 51.5レースブリーフィング Venue/会場:TBA

◎Finisher Party フィニシャーパーティー

◎Challenge Taiwan 2016 closed 大会終了

◎All distances bike collection deadline 全レース バイクピックアップ締切
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎TA Open - WeTri Bike Check-in (51.5) WeTri 51.5 トランジションエリアオープン チェックイン
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎Junior Race Briefing ジュニア レースブリーフィング
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎Junior Race Start ジュニア レーススタート
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎TA Closed - We Tri (51.5) WeTri 51.5 トランジションエリアクローズ
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎START - We Tri - Age Group & Relay Start WeTri 51.5エイジ、リレーレーススタート
Venue/会場:TA/ Flowing Lake

◎Junior Awards Ceremony ジュニア―表彰式

◎CHALLENGE TAIWAN - Awards Ceremony チャレンジ台湾フル226表彰式

◎We Tri - Awards Ceremony / We Tri course closed WeTri 51.5 表彰式 We Tri51.5 コースクローズ
<a name=a> </a>大会ルール・レギュレーション<br>Challenge Taiwan is run under following Rules & Regulations http://challenge-taiwan.com/event/index/382?sb=196
The race distances are 
3.8km swim, 180km bike and 42.2km run for Challenge Taiwan,
1.9km swim, 90km bike and 21km run for Challenge Taiwan half,
1.5km swim, 40km bike and 10km run for We Tri olympic triathlon.
At all times competitors must obey the instructions of Race officials and Police Officers and beware of vehicular transport. Any competitor who fails to obey the instructions of Race officials or the Police will be removed from the Event and disqualified. The Event Director and Race Referee have the discretion to disqualify competitors.
Please obey all traffic laws and regulations at all times and treat all parts of the course as open to the public and vehicles at all times. While some parts of the course may be closed to public access, residential, emergency and Event vehicles will be using the course, and all road rules and regulations must therefore be followed at all times. Right hand drive rules apply.
Challenge Taiwan is an invitation event, and the Event organizers may refuse entry to any competitor, on any grounds, and at their own discretion without explanation.
Cancellation policy: “When signing up for Challenge Taiwan or Challenge Taiwan half you have the possibility to purchase a “Cancellation insurance”. The insurance works on a money-back, no questions asked basis. We highly recommend you buying this insurance, as there will be no possibility to get your money back or transfer the sign up to anybody.
The Event Medical Team will have ultimate discretion and the final decision as to the suitability of a competitor to continue in the Event, and likewise if they should be withdrawn from the Event.
No competitor may use any banned substances with the intent to improve their performance, eliminate the sense of fatigue or for any other purpose. Doping tests will be performed.
It is important that all competitors exhibit good behavior and sportsmanlike conduct, and treat fellow competitors, Event organizers, volunteers and contractors with courtesy and respect. Failure to do so may result in disqualification at any time before, during or after the Event.
If a competitor withdraws from the Event they must advise the course officials of their withdrawal immediately. Any competitor failing to do so and being the subject of a resulting search and rescue operation will incur all costs relating to this exercise if they are found to be in their accommodation or other such safe place.
Challenge Taiwan reserves the right to alter rules, regulations, Event course and venues at any time provided athletes are advised prior to the Event, or if such a change is in the interest of competitor safety.
No headphones or headsets may be worn during swim or bike legs of the event. Personal MP3 players are permitted on the run leg. Volume must be at a level that allows outside noise to be heard. If an official is not heard by an athlete due to excessive volume, the Event reserve the right to remove the MP3 player in the interest of safety.
Each competitor must be familiar with the entire course and it is their responsibility to follow the correct route.
Any protests must be lodged with the Race Referee within two hours of the athlete finishing the Event, or within two hours of their disqualification (if relevant) and must be accompanied by a 8.000NTD lodgement fee. If their protest is upheld, the 8.000NTD will be refunded in full. If the protest is not upheld, the fee will be forfeited.
In the case of bad weather, Challenge Taiwan reserves the right to convert the Event to duathlon status in the interests of competitor safety but will not be held liable for any loss as a result of such a decision. If the conditions are still deemed to be unsafe to run a duathlon, Challenge Taiwan has sole discretion, and may cancel the Event without obligation to refund entry fees.
Challenge Taiwan may test any athlete for the use of a prohibited substance at its own discretion. A positive test will result in disqualification.
Prize money shall not be paid out until all drug-testing results are confirmed.
Prize money applies to individual Pro Men’s and individual Pro Women’s fields. There is no %age rule based on times but prize money will be paid according to overall race position. Athletes must provide proof of their professional status to be eligible for prize money.
All prize money is liable under Taiwan or Hong Kong law to withholding tax and this will be deducted prior to payment. All bank fees are the responsibility of each competitor.
Age Group categories will be in 5 year increments and in case not enough participants in a single age group, we reserve the right to group age groups together. Trophies will be awarded to the top three in each age group so long as they are an official category.
Individual athletes must be a minimum of 18-years-old on race day.
Team athletes must be a minimum of 18-years-old on race day.
Provided race numbers must be visible at all times throughout the race.
All athletes must register during the allocated times and attend the compulsory race briefing. All individuals and teams must rack their bicycles during the allocated times – there will be no exceptions to this rule. The Event organizers reserve the right to disqualify anyone not adhering to these rules.

Compulsory gear includes swim cap (cap provided). The possibility to use a wetsuit will be communicated at the Race briefing subject to the water conditions, temperature and swim course/distance (at the Event organizer’s absolute discretion).
No fins, paddles, snorkels, flotation devices of any kind are permitted.
Swim goggles or face masks may be worn.
Any assistance required during swim may result in disqualification.
Event organizers have the right to change the location of the swim course, the distance of the swim course or cancel the swim course (at their absolute discretion) taking into account the weather and water temperature conditions.

No drafting is permitted. The cycle draft zone is a 7 meter long by 3 meter wide rectangle between the front edge of the lead cycle and the front edge of the following cycle, extending each side of the cycle by 1.5 meter, measured from the leading edge of the front wheel. Another athlete has 15 seconds to pass through that zone. Likewise, once an athlete is passed they have 15 seconds to drop back out of the draft zone.
Race numbers must not be altered in size or appearance, and must be worn on the back during the bike.
The following helmet standards are required: ASTM – F1447-1994, Australia and NZ Standards – AS/NZS 2063:1996 or NZS5439 or AS2063.2, Snell-B90 or B95, CE European Standards-EN1078, US Consumer Products Safety Standards – USCPS.
Helmets must be secured by the chin strap before unracking the bike, and must remain fastened until the cyclist has dismounted the bike and returned it to its rack.
No individual support allowed. The bike course is closed to all supporter traffic and no competitor may seek or receive outside help from spectators, members of the public or any 3rd party with the exception of the official technical support crew.
Special needs bags will be available roughly at the 90km mark.
Each participant is responsible for the state or repair of his/her own bike. Bikes must have been serviced within three weeks of the event and be in a safe and roadworthy condition. Assistance by anyone other than official technical support personnel will be grounds for immediate disqualification. This disallows the use of spare wheels and back-up bikes and requires that each competitor be prepared to handle any possible mechanical malfunction. All bikes must undergo a compulsory check by the official technical support in the lead up to the race or at registration. Only checked bikes will be allowed into transition.
Cyclists are expected to heed directions and instructions of all race officials and public authorities. Participant may run/walk their bike if necessary.
Competitors must keep as far to the right as is practically possible at all times, and pass others on the left and must obey all traffic laws, traffic regulations and the directions of Event officials and the Police.
Road bikes and time trial (or tri specific) bikes are the only bikes permitted for full and half distances. Flat bar road bikes are permitted for olympic distance (51.5) races.
The penalty for drafting, dangerous riding or unsportsmanlike conduct will be an four minute stand down in the penalty box before enter transition area. A second penalty will result in an eight minute stand down. A third penalty will result in disqualification.
Event organizers have the right to change the location of the bike course or the distance of the bike course (at their absolute discretion) and taking into account the weather and course conditions.

Competitors must not alter the size or appearance of the race number, and must wear it clearly and visibly on their front.
Slower competitors must keep to the right with other competitors overtaking on the left.
Runners must stay inside the designated running area at all times. Runners who step outside the designated area onto the open road will be disqualified immediately.
No individual support vehicles or non-participant escort runners or cyclists are allowed. Friends, family members, coaches or supporters of any type may not bike, drive or run alongside competitors, may not pass food or other items to competitors and should be warned to stay completely clear of all participants to avoid the disqualification of a participant. Runners are expected to follow the directions and instructions of all race officials and public authorities. Outside assistance is strictly forbidden and the size and nature of penalties for such an offence are at the sole discretion of the Event Director and Race Referee.
Many runners will still be on the course after dark. Please note – these competitors must provide a head torch in their Run Leg Special Needs bag. Competitors are responsible for attaching reflective tape to their gear prior to the event and must carry any other safety material provided to them by the event team on the day of the race.
Competitors must obey all traffic laws, traffic regulations and the directions of Event officials and the Police.
Event organizers have the right to change the location of the run course or the distance of the run course (at their absolute discretion) and taking into account the weather and course conditions.
